These days, it's vital to be as secure as possible online. A good password manager is a must! My recommendation is Roboform. It's an excellent, secure password manager, it generates secure passwords when you need them, and it's a very useful form filler so you aren't left to manually fill out forms over and over again. I love it; it's a real time saver!
A free version is available, but the license for the paid version is very inexpensive and allows you to sync Roboform across devices (your laptop, your cell phone, etc.) Click the banner below to get all the information and to get it installed. Start making your web-surfing more secure today!
Please note: I am an affiliate for Roboform. If you purchase through my affiliate link embedded in the banner, I may get a small commission. Maybe I'll be able to buy tacos on Taco Tuesday! Ha ha!
If you are ready to set up Roboform immediately, CLICK HERE to download the executable installation file.