Who Else Is Ready to Make Their Presentations More Fun and Engaging?
If you are a speaker who would like to make your next program exciting and fun . . .
Or if you are a magician who would like to add speaking to your repertoire . . .
You’ve come to the right place. Keep reading.
Magic 4 Speakers is a set of 4 DVDs presented by Steve Hart and Tom Antion. Steve is a longtime professional magician and speaker, while Tom is a very successful public speaker who has used magic frequently to emphasize points during his presentations.
They present a large number of easy-to-do tricks during the DVDs. The tricks they present are entertaining, and the explanations are thorough.
But the most important thing is they give examples how to tie the trick in with the message that you are presenting. In public speaking and motivational speaking, the tricks, for the most part, should reinforce the message but not dominate that message.

The DVDs are not a slick production with fancy camera effects. What you are paying for here is the knowledge and experience that Tom and Steve provide.
Full disclosure: I’ve been performing magic for a long time, and there are a couple of tricks on this DVD set that were new to me! So the DVDs have been educational for me in more ways than one!
As I said, if you are a speaker who would like to add something unusual and fun to your presentation, or if you are a magician who would like to learn the correct way to use magic in a speaking presentation, you won’t go wrong with Magic 4 Speakers. I highly recommend this. Visit the website to get all the details on this set.
Click here to make your next public speaking event memorable and BIG FUN!
Please note that the above is an affiliate link. I may get a commission if you purchase through my link. I may even be able to buy tacos on Taco Tuesday! Ha ha!